about us

EST 1983

our story

Marcus criner grew up in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Oklahoma had a lasting impact on Marcus Criner. Heavily involved in the local music scene for years, he was no stranger to the world of Christian music or church culture. Though from a young age, he felt the call of ministry in his life, he first pursued a career in music until discovered his true purpose in leading worship. He graduated from Rhema Bible College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma in 2004. two weeks after graduation he relocated to St. Augustine, Florida to help plant Anchor Faith Church.

Marcus & Merideth criner Married in 2007 and have two boys, Jonah & Judah who homeschool while traveling with the itinerant ministry. through the many years on staff at anchor faith church Marcus & Merideth had many seasons of leading and assisting with various areas. some of those ministries include children’s, outreach, guest relations, events, youth pastoring, bible school instructors, creative media, and also pastoring over young adults with services at a local college campus.

through the many responsibilities, marcus’ main role was always the Worship Pastor at Anchor Faith Church. He helped create a culture of worship within the church that was led by the Spirit of God. in teaching life of praise classes within the kingdom institute (bible school of anchor Faith Church) he always encouraged that praise is not contained to a Sunday morning or midweek service, but rather a daily lifestyle. Through the season of leading anchor faith worship they wrote, recorded, and released many songs along with the production of worship videos.

in the fall of 2023, the lord began dealing with marcus about branching out into his next season. traveling ministry has always been on his heart, but doing it in God’s time was something he knew to be imperative. Marcus was planted on staff as worship Pastor for 20 years before answering the call to itinerant ministry in July 2024. now, Marcus is traveling full-time as an itinerant minister with his family.

MArcus HAS a passion for songwriting, AND seeing musicians and singers within the church come into their full potential. his desire for the local church is to assist THE BODY OF CHRIST in DISCOVERing THEIR VOICE. He has a heart for the church to understand the power & potential within their worship.

be sure to follow us on social media, so you can come along for our journeys and pray in partnership with our ministry. if you are feeling led to give financially, we appreciate the support and ask that you click the “ways to give” tab above. please visit our booking page for more information on how we can come to assist your local body in any way. we look forward to a partnership with you!

2 Timothy‬ ‭2:20-21‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “In a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.”