what is lift the room?

Lift the room was a concept that was birthed during a time when the Lord had been dealing with me concerning the role of the worship leader. Lift the Room is more than a book, but a perspective that has opened up to worship curriculum and study guides, Worship workshops, Worship conferences, and one day a “Lift the Room” school of worship. This Vital role of worship leading has been misunderstood and even misused at times. Lift The Room discovers the mantle and weight that the worship leader should carry. Through this book we have also created a 12 week study guide curriculum that can be done as a group or by oneself. We also can come to your church to host a Lift the Room workshop. for this type of workshop, we come usually on a Saturday and equip your entire team with concepts from the book. We have found that simply singing songs to get through a setlist was never the heart of god. People are hungry for more than fifteen minutes of shallow lyrics and are looking for the river of living water. your church body is not coming to hear your worship, but rather are coming to be inspired by your worship. churches all over the world are waiting for the true role of the worship leader to rise up in operation of their gifts. great maturity and growth await your local body and miracles are closer than you think. as worship leaders, we were created for a vital task. you are called to shift the atmospheres you lead. You are called to lift the room.

ltr workshop


ltr workshop 〰️

Cost $40 per team Member

RegIstration includes:

Lift the Room Book

canvas workshop market Bag

12 week study guide curriculum

Workshop Itinerary & notetaker

Lift the Room Sticker

Lift the Room Pen

Workshop flow

timeframe | 9:00 - 2:30

9:00-9:30 Coffee, Donuts, & Hangs

taking time to connect

9:30-10:30 Thermostats

Setting the atmosphere of the house

10:30-11:20 Giving Away What You Have

representing who know

11:20-11:30 break

11:30-12:00 two Sermons

the power of singing the word of god

12:00-12:40 Lunch Break

12:45-1:30 Getting your craft together

moving our musical gifting to the next level

1:30-2:00 The Basics

Set Lists, Rehearsals, Sound-Checks, & Drama

2:00-2:15 Q & A Time

2:15-2:30 Prayer & Impartation

other breakouts we offer

Driven to produce

SongWriting, SpontanEOUs flow & Creativity

creating culture

establishing a culture of worship within

we endeavor to taILor this workshop to your speCIfic needs and desires.

Contribute to

*When sowing please keep in mind there is 2.5% deducted from the amount received due to a convenience fee. You can add this percentage to your donation by making a custom amount. Thank you!*

lift the room


    ”I will come at the level of your expectation.” Those were the words I heard the Lord speak to me as I was on the stage, looking out over the crowd after our Sunday worship. This came during a time when the Lord had been dealing with me concerning the role of the worship leader. This role has been misunderstood and misused at times. In this book, we will discover the mantle and weight that the worship leader should carry. Just singing songs to get through your setlist isn’t working anymore. People are hungry for more than fifteen minutes of shallow worship and are looking for the river. People are not coming to hear your worship, but rather are coming to be inspired by your worship. Services are waiting for your role to show up and miracles are closer than you think. As we dive into this book you will see that as a worship leader, you were created for a vital task; you are called to lift the room and shift the atmospheres you lead.

  • Weekend Workshops

    We offer a worship intensive workshop planned for your entire team. Customarily this is scheduled on a Saturday where we spend have a day in order to minister to and work with your team on concepts from my book, Lift The Room. We go over everything from the heart of worship, to the practical tools and musical skills that make a worship set great. This Lift the Room worship workshop will be a blessing of instruction and edification for your teams as well as a moral boosting time of unity!

  • Nights Of Worship

    We are excited to plan a special night of worship for your church. We believe this will create an atmosphere where God’s presence is welcomed, His Spirit can move, and His voice will speak! We love to give God the room to move as He desires. These nights are specifically tailored to allow the flow of His Spirit to move as He wills. We are happy to organize these events as a solo stand-alone Night of Worship, or as a series of nights in order for the expectation and manifestation to build.